We work with all communities and diversity is our strength.
NLM is a not-for-profit organisation. We manage homes in five local authority areas across North East London, we work tirelessly to transform the lives of our residents. We are also an outstanding developer, sweating our assets and consistently building new affordable homes for a diverse range of people.
NLM was set up in 1988 and has developed into a significant provider of housing to meet the needs of the wider Community irrespective of race, gender, disability, belief, sexual orientation, age or socio-economic background. Our organisation has been housing the wider community in housing for the last 29 years.
NLM is like any other registered Housing Association in the United Kingdom. All Nominations for our new built properties comes from local authority through ‘Choice based Letting’ run by the local authority. The association does not maintain a waiting list.
NLM is a Registered Provider, registered with the Regulator of Social Housing (LH 3859) in 1988 and Registered under the “Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014 Number: 26406R. Like other Housing associations we follow The Greater London Authority’s (GLA) and The Regulator of Social Housing’s (RSH) guidelines in our operations.
The organisation considers that it can take credit for housing many families in London regardless of race religion or colour who were in housing need. We have contributed positively to the society as a whole, as an organisation concerned for the welfare of people in need.