‘Words cannot describe how sorry we are to learn that Yusuf Hafesji has passed away on 23rd November 2021 whilst visiting India from an unexpected heart attack. He was the first Director and Chief Executive of NLM Housing Association.
He was born in Bardoli, Gujarat, India. He was a community champion, a former Justice of the Peace, former secretary of Masjid E Quba in Cazenove Road, a leading founding member of North London Muslim Community Centre, and a Director of North London Muslim Community Centre.
He worked tirelessly to serve the community in order to improve the quality of lives of people. His loving heart left a beacon of light for all in the community.
Mr. Hafesji will be deeply missed for all that he had done for the sake of the community. May the almighty grant him the highest place in the hereafter. He will no doubt continue to receive the reward for his work in the community.
Our deepest sympathies to his family. May the almighty give patience to his family in this difficult time.’